Metro course record holder (along with Dong Yi) James Hahn came this close to qualifying for the PGA Tour. He needed a par on his last hole to make the number, but couldn't quite pull it off. Still, he had an incredible run and gets the chance to make some money and qualify for the PGA Tour via the Nationwide. Congrats!
Here's a little of what Ron Salsig had to say in the Alameda Sun:
Tragedy is the hallmark of Q-School, and Hahn became the poster boy for this year's event.
"I was talking a lot to myself on the last hole walking up, saying 'If it's my time, it's my time,"' Hahn said. "I'm not going to beat myself over the head about it. That's golf."
The world may think that Hahn's fate was cruel. But his story at the annual qualifying tournament for the PGA Tour was remarkably heroic, and clearly a victory.
A year ago, Hahn was selling shoes at Nordstrom, scratching out a living as a "paycheck-to-paycheck player." The former NCGA Jr. Champion considered quitting golf for good. But he qualified for the Canadian Tour, and won in Calgary. He finished third place in the Canadian Tour Championship, and earned enough money to enter Q-School.