Thursday, October 05, 2006

Kabasakalis featured in Chronicle story

Metro regular Mia Kabasakalis, who recently competed in the First Tee Open, is the focus of a San Francisco Chronicle story on the boom in women's golf.

She spends at least three hours a night doing homework, and at least that much time each day practicing.

Golf instructor Rich Marik ... has been teaching Kabasakalis for three years at Metropolitan Golf Course in Oakland.

"She has a great work ethic. She has great fundamentals," Marik said. "As she gains more strength, she will continue to get better."

Kabasakalis is not an overpowering hitter at 5-foot-4, but weight-training and Pilates have helped her hit it in the 240-yard range.

Mia is a student of Metro's Director of Instruction Rich Marik; a Metropolitan Links Club member, and a volunteer with the Metropolitan Junior Golf Program.

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