Sunday, October 29, 2006

Scoring game handicap

At the suggestion of Metro instructor Gene Bakkum, I self-administered the Dave Pelz Scoring Game Handicap test over the weekend. Gene advised me to identify the weaker areas of my 7.2 handicap game. This test, which I took over two days, produced some fascinating results. Basically, you hit 10 shots from different stations. You're assigned points based on proximity to the scoring zone (6 feet around the hole from most stations, and a 3 feet semi-circle behind the hole on shorter putts). Those points are converted to a handicap for each kind of shot. Here are my results, which very wildly.

3/4 wedge (50 yards): 25 handicap. Ouch.
1/2 wedge (30 yards): 4 handicap. Better.
Bunker (30 yards): 21 handicap. Not good.
Bunker (8 yards): 3 handicap. I'm not worthy.
Fwy pitch (15 yards): 12 handicap. Could be better.
Rough pitch (15 yards): 2 handicap. Caveat: very LIGHT rough
Cut Lob (15 yds over bunker): 1 handicap. Wow. Got lucky?
Short chip (10 yards): 10 handicap. Disappointed.
Long chip (20 yards): +8. Seriously. Don't make me repeat it.

Lag putts (40, 60, 80 feet): 6 handicap.
In-between putts (25 to 35 feet): +3 handicap. Could I do it again?
Makeable putts (12 to 24 feet): 10 handicap. Should be better.
Short putts (3 feet): +2 handicap. Made 10 of 10.
Short putts (6 feet): +4 handicap. 10 of 10 again. Take it to course?
Big breaking putts: 6 handicap. These are very hard putts.

My overall short game matrix handicap is a 6.5, while my putting handicap is a 2.5.

I suspect I performed well above my normal capabilities in many stations. This exercise has shown me the areas I need to work on the most (long bunker and 3/4 wedge shots). See you on the short game practice area.

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